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Design and consultation services

Board We have a long record of design projects, containing a wide variety of specifications, work flows, schedules and novelty. We can offer our design expertise and consultation especially on the following technology areas:

Rapid prototyping

Picture of a device Asamalab is specialized to rapid electronics prototyping. With in-house design and machining tools, verified solutions and large component stock, we are able to deliver one-off prototypes and customized systems with very short lead time.

We are able to develop custom electronic devices and systems featuring, for example, complex digital circuitry, high performing analog blocks, embedded intelligence with microcontrollers, connectivity (e.g. USB, Bluetooth), portability and energy efficiency, all wrapped to a stylish mechanics. We can also deliver, if needed, the host side software with an easy-to-use graphical user interface.

If you are, for example...
...We might be able to help you.

Every new project initiative begins with feasibility evaluation and rough specification drafting together with the customer. That part is usually cost free and does not bind the customer to anything. For all correspondence, confidentiality is ensured, even in a case that the process does not lead to a further action.

Service and repair

Picture of an instrument Lab instruments tend to have longer lifetime that the instrument suppliers do. Therefore, a tool essential for a study, when failing, may not have repair service available any more. We may be able to fix your non-functional scientific instrument. We have successfully brought back alive a number of fallen units in the past.
(This service is available more or less only in Japan due to logistics).